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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 1-300

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Characterizations and Decompositions of Almost Strictly Positive Matrices

M. Gasca and J. M. Peña

pp. 1-8

{k}-Group Periodic Matrices

Julio Benítez and Néstor Thome

pp. 9-25

Convergence Analysis of Structure-Preserving Doubling Algorithms for Riccati-Type Matrix Equations

Wen-Wei Lin and Shu-Fang Xu

pp. 26-39

An Error Analysis of a Unitary Hessenberg QR Algorithm

Michael Stewart

pp. 40-67

Compressions of Totally Positive Matrices

Shaun M. Fallat, Allen Herman, Michael I. Gekhtman, and Charles R. Johnson

pp. 68-80

Perturbation of Matrices Diagonalizable under Congruence

Susana Furtado and Charles R. Johnson

pp. 81-88

A Perturbation Analysis for Nonlinear Selfadjoint Operator Equations

A. C. M. Ran, M. C. B. Reurings, and L. Rodman

pp. 89-104

Eigenvalue Problems in Fiber Optic Design

Linda Kaufman

pp. 105-117

Two variable orthogonal polynomials and structured matrices

Antonia M. Delgado, Jeffrey S. Geronimo, Plamen Iliev, and Francisco Marcellán

pp. 118-147

Linear Perturbation Theory for Structured Matrix Pencils Arising in Control Theory

Shreemayee Bora and Volker Mehrmann

pp. 148-169

Implicit-Factorization Preconditioning and Iterative Solvers for Regularized Saddle-Point Systems

H. Sue Dollar, Nicholas I. M. Gould, Wil H. A. Schilders, and Andrew J. Wathen

pp. 170-189

Numerical Methods for Solving Inverse Eigenvalue Problems for Nonnegative Matrices

Robert Orsi

pp. 190-212

Structures preserved by matrix inversion

Steven Delvaux and Marc Van Barel

pp. 213-228

Structures Preserved by Schur Complementation

Steven Delvaux and Marc Van Barel

pp. 229-252

Balancing Regular Matrix Pencils

Damien Lemonnier and Paul Van Dooren

pp. 253-263

Modified Gram-Schmidt (MGS), Least Squares, and Backward Stability of MGS-GMRES

Christopher C. Paige, Miroslav Rozlozník, and Zdenvek Strakos

pp. 264-284

Direct Eigenvalue Reordering in a Product of Matrices in Periodic Schur Form

Robert Granat and Bo Kågström

pp. 285-300